Specifying Phone Formats

If your users must enter phone numbers for countries for which a format has not been entered in your Siebel application, then you must specify phone formats for those countries.

Note: When you change or add a phone format, the existing phone numbers are not automatically updated.
CAUTION: When a user enters phone numbers, the user can enter letters in place of digits, but computer telephony integration (CTI) features, such as outbound dialing, do not work for these numbers. Queries for such numbers must include the letters, not the numeric equivalents. Siebel Business Applications do not detect or warn users if they enter Q or Z (letters that do not appear on all phones).

To specify phone formats

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Data screen, then the List of Values view.

  2. Query the Type field for the entry PHONE_FORMAT to see the existing phone formats.

  3. Create a new record, and complete the necessary fields.

    Some fields are described in the following table.

    This table describes the fields to complete when specifying a phone format.

    Field Comments


    Select a value of PHONE_FORMAT.

    Display Value

    Type the format string for the display value.

    Language-Independent Code

    Type the language-independent code. Use the number zero (0) to represent required digits, the # character to represent optional digits, and other formatting characters to represent how to format the phone number. Do not include any alphanumeric characters other than zero. For example, to format an Australian phone number, which includes a two-digit area code and a six- or eight-digit number, use (00) 000# 000#.

    You do not have to include characters to represent the country code in the format. When a user enters a number, the country code is automatically shown if the default country is different from the country code.


    Type the country code of the new format. When adding new codes, make sure that no country code is a prefix of any other. For example, because India’s country code is 91, do not add a country code of 9 or of 910 (or any other number beginning with 91).

  4. Restart the Siebel Server.