Setting the MaxMessageCount User Preference

Configuring the MaxMessageCount user preference sets the maximum number of active messages that Siebel Server will process at a time. The purpose of setting MaxMessageCount is to control the number of active messages that users will see in their Notification pane. By limiting the number of messages appearing in the Notification pane, you avoid any slow performance caused by the processing of large volumes of messages.

Provided MaxMessageCount is configured and the Enable Broadcast Cache parameter is set to TRUE, then the counter beside the Notification button (exclamation mark icon) on the application toolbar will be any number less than or equal to MaxMessageCount. The counter indicates the number of active messages that are waiting to be read. Click the Notification button to open the Notification pane where you can read the messages. As you open, read, and then close messages, the counter decreases accordingly.

The following table describes what happens when MaxMessageCount and Enable Broadcast Cache are configured (or not, as the case may be).

This table describes the behavior when MaxMessageCount and Enable Broadcast Cache are configured.

Enable Message Broadcast Cache Value

MaxMessageCount Value


Enable Message Broadcast Cache = FALSE

MaxMessageCount = 50

If Enable Message Broadcast Cache = FALSE and MaxMessageCount = 50, then the maximum number of active messages that will be processed by Siebel Server at a time is based on MaxMessageCount (which is 50 in this example).

Enable Message Broadcast Cache = FALSE

MaxMessageCount is not set.

If Enable Message Broadcast Cache = FALSE and MaxMessageCount is not set, then the maximum number of active messages that will be processed by Siebel Server at a time is 100 (which is the default value).

Enable Message Broadcast Cache = TRUE

MaxMessageCount = 100

If Enable Message Broadcast Cache = TRUE and MaxMessageCount = 100, then the maximum number of active messages that will be processed by Siebel Server at a time is based on MaxMessageCount (which is 100 in this example).

Enable Message Broadcast Cache = TRUE

MaxMessageCount is not set.

If Enable Message Broadcast Cache = TRUE and MaxMessageCount is not set, then there no limit on the number of active messages that will be processed by Siebel Server at a time (all active messages will be processed).

The following procedure shows how to configure MaxMessageCount for a business component and applet in Siebel Tools/Web Tools.

To configure MaxMessageCount

  1. Create a new or open an existing Workspace.

  2. Click Business Component in the Object Explorer and then query for the "User Preferences" business component.

  3. Click Field (under Business Component) and then add a new field with the values shown in the following table.

    This table describes the values to set for the new field.







    Predefault Value


  4. Click Applet in the Object Explorer and then query for "User Profile Message Broadcasting Applet".

    For mobile applications, query for "User Profile Message Broadcasting Applet - Mobile".

  5. Click Control (under Applet) and then add a new control with the following values:

    This table describes the values to set for the new control.








    Maximum Message Count

    HTML Type




  6. Click Applet Web Template (under Applet) and then click Edit (the pencil icon) to open the Edit Web Layout view.

  7. Select the MessageBroadcasting/MaxMessageCount control and move it into the Web layout window.

  8. Deliver the Workspace with the new repository change into MAIN.