Using iHelp to Complete Tasks

You can launch iHelp to review the steps in a task, and then perform the task yourself, or you can launch iHelp to drill down on different iHelp items and receive detailed instructions for each step in a task.

To use iHelp

  1. Navigate to the screen.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • From the application-level menu, choose View, select Action Pane, and then iHelp.

    • Click How Do I on the application taskbar.

    The iHelp pane appears on the side of the application window. The pane lists the iHelp items related to the current screen. The iHelp pane remains open until you close it.

  3. In the iHelp pane, drill down on an item to launch iHelp.

  4. Follow the instructions provided in the iHelp pane.

    The following explains what happens when you click various options and areas in the iHelp pane:

    This table describes what happens when you click various options and areas in the iHelp pane.


    To do the following

    A hyperlink in a step

    Navigate to the screen or view to perform an action.

    A step

    Highlight a button in a form and a list or a field in a form to help you to complete a task.

    The down navigation arrow

    Expand the description of a step to show its details. The details might contain substeps.

    The up navigation arrow

    Collapse the description of a step.

    Return to

    Return to the high-level list of iHelp items.

    Click for Additional Steps

    Access additional steps that are available because of certain met conditions. If this link appears in the iHelp pane, then you must complete each step in sequence before you can access the additional steps. If you do not complete each step, then an error message appears.

  5. Click Close (X) in the upper corner of the page to close the iHelp pane.