Changing Recurring Activities
Complete the procedure in this topic to change recurring activities. When you change a recurring activity, you must make sure to save it properly.
To change a recurring activity
Navigate to the Calendar screen.
In the daily, weekly, or monthly calendar format, click the hyperlink for an activity description to access the activity.
The Calendar Detail form appears.
Make the necessary changes, and click one of the following buttons:
Save This One. Saves the changes you make to the current recurring activity, changes the activity to a non-recurring activity, and does not change every other recurring activity in the series.
For example, a recurring activity is scheduled to occur daily from August 21 until August 25. If you change the August 23 instance of the activity and click Save This One, then only the August 23 activity changes. This activity also becomes non-recurring and is no longer associated with the other activities in the series.
Save All. Saves changes you make to the current recurring activity and to all subsequent recurring activities in the series. However, the changes are not applied to any activities that are scheduled before the current activity.
For example, a recurring activity is scheduled to occur daily from August 21 until August 25. If you change the August 23 activity and click Save All, then the activities scheduled for August 23, August 24, and August 25 change, but the activities scheduled for August 21 and August 22 do not change.