Native Browser Features

To view the screens and views that you previously accessed in your current session, click the back and forward buttons in your browser. To find browser screens that you recently accessed in the application, use the history feature for your browser, and click the link you want from the list.

Note: Data record changes are not committed when you click the browser back button. An implicit commit of data record changes when a user clicks the browser back button cannot be supported in a standards-based implementation. Users must commit changes through supported methods. When transaction data changes are pending for an applet, a line frames the title of the applet indicating that the transaction is not complete. When the transaction is complete, the frame is removed from the applet title.

Use the zoom feature in your browser to control how you see screen content, and use the print feature in your browser to print records. For more information, see Printing Records.

Your application uses the native spell checking capabilities provided by your browser.

To refresh data in your application, it is recommended that you use the query functionality.

Your application also rebuilds the memory cache (view layouts). These view layouts are your most frequently used views. For more information about view layouts and the memory cache, see Siebel Performance Tuning Guide on Oracle Technology Network (