Logging In to the Application

You access the Web client application using a URL provided by your organization.

To log in to the application

  1. Use your browser to navigate to the URL provided by your organization.

    A login screen appears.

    Note: The language of the application screens is controlled by language codes. Language codes used by applications use a three-letter code, such as ENU for U.S. English, FRA for French, THA for Thai, and so on. Your system administrator provides the URL for the language you want. For more information about global deployments of Siebel Business Applications, see Siebel Global Deployment Guide.
  2. Enter your user ID and password.

    Contact your administrator if you are not sure of your user ID or password.

  3. (Optional) Click the HTML5 Browser Compatibility link on the login screen to show your browser's compatibility with HTML5 features.

    HTML5 is a core technology markup language of the Internet used to structure and present content on the Web. If an HTML5 feature is not compatible with your browser, then you can click the question mark icon to review more information about that feature and about the limitations that you might experience in your application because of this incompatibility.

  4. Click Login.

  5. If the Browser Check dialog box appears, then follow the on-screen instructions.

Note: If the setting zone in your browser is set to medium or higher, then you might see a security warning window when you start the application. To remove this window and make sure it does not appear again, check the Always trust content from Oracle check box.